Crucified Feminity

Chapelle de la Sorbonne

1°) Mystique:
Is the soul of humanity not feminine?
It is true that femininity governs biologically the design of all humans in the first moments of life and motherhood. A woman creates, gives birth, and nourishes. Her body gives life and sustains life. In reflection on the female gamete, the precursor of the embryo; A charge, a kind of female energy exists even before the embryo is determined male or female.
Essentially, in embryo (male or female), the beginning of life, contains the pure and the essential - the soul. The soul is marked with the seal of femininity. This pure feminine seal is "crucified", tortured by human destiny, and tainted by evil and sin.

2°) Spiritual:
Eve, the first woman of creation, is "crucified" by the weight of her guilt in the original sin, and the “fall”. This remorse is deeply rooted in the collective unconscious which she is the common ancestor and the biblical reference. The woman is inherently linked to sin, evil and fault. She is "crucified" in the depths of her being, and has been since the dawn of time...

3°) Philosophical:
The woman and her status in the world since the origin of time, has been "crucified" by the machismo that prevents her from flourishing and achieving the glorious "freedom of all children of God “. This crucification which is unjustly complementary to man, is the greatest misfortune of all of humanity.

4°) Policy:
Marianne, the Republic is crucified by Islamic terrorism with Western nations, corruption and scandals. This demoralization seems to be innate in systems of government. Immoral and nefarious excesses that degrade French society. The decline of democratic institutions threaten the collapse, deterioration, and breakdown of a nation. This contamination or corruption affects all Western civilization. This decadence and degeneration wounded the heart of the ideal republic symbolized by Marianne, the Republic: Humanist and protector of the people.